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PostPosted: Sun May 10, 2015 4:11 pm 

Joined: Tue Sep 23, 2008 8:42 am
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Hello all
in london for the next few days.any suggetions for luthiery related destinations?
many thanks in advance!!

PostPosted: Sun May 10, 2015 5:01 pm 
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Denmark street. Many guitars shops within two blocks.


Don't let fear or common sense stop you from trying to build something

PostPosted: Sun May 10, 2015 6:38 pm 
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I will be in London later in the week as well.


PostPosted: Sun May 10, 2015 7:13 pm 

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I would recommend taking a day- return trip to Brighton, to visit the Acoustic Music Company (TAMCO). Trevor has the largest collection of American luthier built instruments anywhere , probably on a par with Dream guitars, and is always interested to meet luthiers.

I was there a couple of weeks ago to attend a seminar by Grit Laskin (who was delivering his latest creation to TAMCO) It is quite an experience to see and play such a wide range of top class instruments.

PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2015 3:26 am 

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I find him pretty unfriendly unless you look like you're about to drop atleast five grand. If vintage is your thing go visit Tony at replayacoustics. certainly the best collection in Europe and better than anything I found I in the states. Prices are eye watering.

PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2015 5:46 am 

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mike-p wrote:
I find him pretty unfriendly unless you look like you're about to drop atleast five grand. If vintage is your thing go visit Tony at replayacoustics. certainly the best collection in Europe and better than anything I found I in the states. Prices are eye watering.

I have to disagree with this comment. Visited the shop last year and told him I was just wanting a look around and was an amateur maker (would not dare call myself a luthier!) He sat me down at a comfy sofa brought me a selection of picks and a capo and told me to take anything off the stands that I wanted to try! I was there for an hour while he was through the back photographing a Gibson harp guitar tthat had just been delivered so the pics could go on the website. I fell in love with a Bruce Sexauer all koa parlour guitar that was way outside my affordability but he let me play it and many others too including a Grit Laskin that sold for abot £25k shortly thereafter! I was in heaven for an hour a so and my wife had to come and drag me out sobbing!

Well worth the trip and Brighton is a cool place too! Vintage and Rare Guitars in Denmark Street in Soho is usually worth a look too if vintage floats your boat.

Cheers, Bob

PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2015 7:47 am 

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Fair enough. I've been in a bunch of times, only place with a lot of US luthier made guitars. Sometimes some good stuff in vintage and rare but they are dodgy characters andi wouldn't spend money there.

PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2015 2:23 pm 

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Thanks all
I might try denmark street. But truthfully I need inspiration. I seem to be avoiding the shop, and im getting worried ive lost my mojo. so I was hoping to visit something more along the construction , in process type spots. Any other suggestions would be great. Thx muchly again.

PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2015 5:53 pm 
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I don't know if he takes visitors, but David Anthony Reid is based in Battersea. He's probably one of the most interesting and innovative builders in the Uk.

I have to say I agree with Mike, I found Trevor a little off-putting. Although the one time I've been, there was a very friendly younger sales assistant guy there who was more than happy to talk. He'd studied for a while under Sergei De Jonge I think.

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